A birds eye view of five people standing in a circle with their hands together in the middle

A new approach to mentally healthy workplaces

Early Australian employee assistance programs (EAP) were primarily established to focus on the individual and to respond to employee mental health after problems have already occurred. However, evidence shows that the best results are achieved through prevention and early intervention in the workplace, with more intensive supports targeted to those most in need.

Attuned to the changing needs of Australian workplaces, we’ve learnt that practical help at the individual level is most effective when delivered as part of a whole-of-workplace approach that engages teams and addresses wider organisational challenges to support mentally healthy workplaces. That’s why our service model has been designed to provide flexible responses that support individuals, teams, and organisations, across the spectrum of mental health.

Workplace wellbeing services for your entire organisation's ecosystem

We understand that organisations are environments that represent and reflect the community at large and require an inclusive and multi-faceted approach. Our service model provides support that addresses the multiple social, organisational, and individual factors that contribute to mentally health workplaces.

Societal factors

  • Social inclusion and diversity
  • Changes in the workforce - ageing employees, remote workers and job hopping
  • The impact of technology on the workplace
  • Legislative and OH&S requirements
  • Bullying and harassment
  • Discrimination
  • Alcohol and other drugs
  • Domestic violence
  • Socio-economic conditions and their impacts in the workplace

Organisational factors

  • Organisational culture
  • Leadership
  • Interpersonal and team dynamics
  • Change management
  • Strategic goals
  • Workload and work pressure
  • Purpose, mission, vision and values
  • Workplace safety – both physical and psychological
  • Budgets and resources
  • Processes and policies

Individual factors

  • Mental health
  • Neurodiversity
  • Individual resilience
  • Personal problems
  • Workplace concerns
  • Interpersonal relationships
  • Health and wellbeing
  • Family and culture
  • Religion, ethnicity and personal identity
  • Workplace Stress and burnout

Matched to your organisation

We understand that for some organisations, the priority will be in supporting the mental health of individuals by providing access to individual counselling and Critical Incident Response Management. Other organisations prioritise managing their OH&S responsibilities including bullying & harassment, family violence and diversity. As an organisation evolves, so too will their workplace wellbeing requirements. Wherever your organisation is in your journey to a mentally healthy workplace, we’re ready with support that can grow and evolve alongside you.

An inclusive approach

We live in an increasingly diverse society. Workplaces are no different. Our services support all cultures, backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. Our psychologists have extensive expertise working with people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. We are also committed to providing supportive and inclusive services for members of the LGBTQIA+ communities. We also provide confidential and around-the-clock services that include supporting victims and survivors of domestic violence and sexual abuse.

Expert people for your people

Our services are delivered by professional clinicians and qualified psychologists, social workers and counsellors – each with peak industry body accreditation and vast experience.